Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 23 - To Porto

To Santiago de Compostela: 241.9 km
Walked today: 7.5 km
Total walked: 366 km

With the pain in the back of my left foot, I think I walked funny yesterday so I ended the day with two new blisters on the bottom front of the foot.  I have trouble walking.  So as planned, we got up late and took the 9 am bus to Porto. We were here by 10am. The hotel is just a few blocks from the hotel so we walked.  

Of course it was to early to get our room so while I was talk ng my boots off and switching to my ultralight shoes, this gentleman with a backpack arrived. Brenda said: I know that man. We know him from his picture; it was John Brierley, the man who writes the Camino guides.  He is a nice man and after a chat, he signed our guide books.

Since we could not stay we went out for a very slow walk.  This is the Igreja de Story Ildefonso

At the end of the street I think is the Igreja dos Clérigos
This is the famous Liberia Lille

And the side of the Igreja dos Carmelitas

We had a bite at a pasteleria and back to the hotel.  We rested the hottest part of the day.
 We went back out to buy more blister plasters, had dinner and went to visit the Igreja dos Congregados.  We were lucky, they were praying the rosary so we stayed and then we had a holy Mass.  We were pleased we could participate.

To end the day, In the way back we sat at an outdoor bar and enjoyed a glass of Porto.

The church of the Igreja dos Congregados is dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua also known as Anthony of Lisbon.  He was born in Lisbon in the XII century and died in Padua. He became a Franciscan friar.  He is probably the best known of the followers of St. Francis of Assisi.  He was proclaimed doctor of the church by pope Pios XII.  Since he is also patron of the travellers, we ask him to grant us his protection and to pray for our pilgrim friends.

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