To Santiago de Compostela: 137 km
Walked today: 24 km
Total Walked: 520 km
We were out of the posada by 6 am. Our intent was to use the town public WiFi to post blogs and pictures from the day before. We had a nice surprise when we found one of the cafes already open. So fortified by a hot beverage we started our walk a little later.
Ponte de Lima, the bridge over the river Lima is
a very long medieval bridge. The soon was rising over the horizon as we crossed it. Immediately after the bridge is that albergue that our friends tell us was completely full.
We walked through nice countryside, still eucalyptus but now we also found evergreen woods. Then we started to go up. We had seem that the climb is only 400 metres and it started gently enough.
We passed by some nice spots. Good enough for a picture
And we found an open chaple which was perfect for some peace, relaxation and our daily rosary.
And then the slope got meaner.
It was almost straight up, very rocky, we had to be very careful not to step on loose rocks. By now we were walking with our Virginian gals.
We got to the top and we rested with the for a while. We also met there 3 Italian ladies.
From them on it was down the hill, well, down most of the time, there are always more little hills.
It would take us two hours to arrive to Sao Toque, to the Posada de Peregrinos. This place was a nice surprise. We are the n a brand new wing. Everything in our spacious room is new and we have a balcony with a great view of the valley below
Another nice surprise our host, Silvia washed our clothes for free and she is going to drive us to a restaurant for dinner (we are in the middle of nowhere)
Since we leave so early she made a packed breakfast for us. Sweet!
Soon we will be going for dinner with our pals from the US and with Daniel and Chantal.
Tonight we pray to St. Toque who was himself a pilgrim and walked to Rome to pray for us and to give his protection to all pilgrims walking to the tomb of the apostle San Tiago.
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