Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 33 - To Porriño

To Santiago de Compostela: 101 km
Walked today: 26 km
Total walked: 589 km

An uneventful day.  We started to walk shortly after 6 am and pretty soon we lost an hour.  In Spain is an hour latter than in Portugal.

There are more pilgrims in el Camino but while we say hello or hola, we had not really made friends with any of them.  There are many Spanish pilgrims.
After we crossed the bridge we followed a path that is next to the river rather than walk up the hill to the cathedral.
We passed more Roman bridges and at some point I saw a marker that said the Camino de Santiago follows the Via Romana XIX.  Some of the trails we've followed are indeed Roman roads
Eventually we arrived this cross.  The bridge ( not seen ), it called el Puente de la Fiebre - the fever bridge .
San Telmo, the patron Saint of Tui died here of a fever while on  pilgrimage to Santiago.
The walk is now very Galician, we remember paths like this one - water running on one side and a stone trail on the other.  We saw them in el Camino Frances.
This last 3 km are on this path.  At the end there is the albergue and the entrance to Town.
Arriving to Porriño.

We are tired today, we bought a few things and retired l.

Hail Mary full of grace

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